Infertility specialists consider you infertile or suffering from infertility after trying to get pregnant for 12 months without success. The stigma associated with infertility can be devastating and may cause you more undue stress that can further inhibit your ability to become pregnant naturally.
Do not believe the myth that there really is something wrong with you or feel that you will never become pregnant naturally or without the aid of modern medicine. Infertility is not a disease and as long as you still have your reproductive organs it is still possible for you to become pregnant naturally once the obstacles that are inhibiting your ability to become pregnant are overcome. Basically, it is usually not an issue with your reproductive organs that are to blame for the difficulty you may be having getting pregnant.
For most couples, infertility or the troubles that you are having getting pregnant are caused by other contributing factors that can be resolved by making your body healthy again. These days many infertility clinics and prospective parents are turning to Traditional Chinese Medicine and more natural forms of treatment to restore the body to a more healthy state that is conducive to becoming pregnant.
Traditional Chinese Medicine takes more of a whole body approach to treating infertility and restoring balance to the body. Acupuncture, nutrition, massage, herbal treatments and lifestyle changes improve health and vitality to the patients body and have been proven in studies to successfully treat a wide range of ancillary factors that might be piece in part of the reasons why you might be having difficulty becoming pregnant.
It is typically not a single factor that is the problem but system wide issues that are often the problem with couples who are having difficulty getting pregnant or who have been diagnosed with infertility. For example, hormone treatment in itself might never allow you to become pregnant if you also have tubal obstructions and your husband is suffering from low sperm count.
By treating the body as a whole (both you and your partner) and bringing your entire body into balance you are not treating the symptoms but curing the underlying problems, plural. No longer will you be focusing on one problem, such as hormonal imbalance or endometriosis or PCOS while all of these may be an issue in addition to your husbands low sperm count.
So, you can see that infertility is really a misnomer for a body that is usually in need of some care and attention and not surgery or the addition of hormones to bring about the desired outcome which is to bring a child into this world. By stepping back and taking a look at the bigger picture success can be found while helping to improve your life on a whole as well as helping you to overcome infertility.