OK so you're trying for a baby but no matter what you do you just can't seem to get pregnant naturally. That can put a strain on your relationship with your partner which in itself will not help you to conceive so it is normal that you should think of investigating why that should be.

Before we go into the details did you know that statistically if you are under 35 then you only have a 17% chance of having a baby if you have intercourse at the right time in your cycle. At the end of a year 80% of couples under 35 do end up conceiving and of the remainder 10% will manage to conceive within 2 years. The remaining 10% will not be able to conceive without some assistance.

As you get older the chance of you being able to get pregnant naturally will decline. Those women under 40 will have an 8% chance of conception, if you're over 40 and under 45 then that percentage drops to 3.5% and for over 45's the chance is just 0.5%.

You can therefore see that age can be major barrier in your quest to get pregnant naturally.

We can split the common reasons for not being able to conceive into the 3 categories below:

Female issues: e.g.

1. sporadic ovulation frequency or no ovulations

2. tubal obstruction

3. fibroid, polyps or adhesions on the Uterus

Male issues: e.g.

1. low sperm count

2. unusually shaped sperms

3. inability for sperms to move spontaneously and actively

The third category is essentially an unknown category as in some cases it is possible for both parties not to suffer from any of the issues above yet they still find it impossible to conceive.

The good news is that despite the statistics above and even the issues highlighted it is still possible to have children so today is not the day to stop trying for a baby. We can therefore look at a few tips that will help you to conceive and have a baby.

One of the things that you should consider is what foods you are eating when you are trying to get pregnant naturally.

For example caffeine can cause your chances of conceiving being cut in half which when you consider the numbers already mentioned can be quite a large amount. A simple tip is therefore to stop drinking coffee, black tea and carbonated drinks that contain caffeine whilst you are trying to conceive.

Other food sources to keep an eye on are eggs, meats and dairy products. The simple tip here is to go organic so that you know that none of the foods have had any contact with any chemicals which may affect your chances of having a baby.

Another great tip is to give up alcohol whilst you are trying to get pregnant. You will know what happens when you have too much alcohol so naturally the same thing affects sperm which results in the sperm not being as viable as what would otherwise be the case. In women alcohol can imbalance the hormones on your body which doesn't help when you need your body to be functioning at its maximum to have the conditions right for conception.

These are just some simple tips that can help you to get pregnant naturally.

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