Seems to have a wide range of tips to get pregnant quickly that we hear .. either from friends, family, or relatives. There are tips that work well, but many do not.

Of dozens or even dozens of tips that have obtained, based on experience gathered from couples who have managed to get pregnant, and trusted medical reference, here are 5 tips have been tested with both decent for you to consider :

# 1 - Plan your sex
One of the most important tips to get pregnant fast is to plan a time to making love (sex) with your partner.Sperm can live for max 5 days in the womb. Therefore, to increase the chance of pregnancy, the relationship 2 days before ovulation / release of the egg.

To find out when ovulation, there are several ways you can use: 

- Calendar system
- Basal body temperature / Basal Body Temperature
- Elasticity of the cervical mucus 
- And most recently, the fertile strip test (can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy with a name Fertility)

# 2 - Stop Smoking and Alcoholic Beverages
Based on studies recently published by the ESHRE conference (Human Reproduction & Embryology) in Barcelona, ​​alcoholic beverages can decrease the chance of pregnancy for normal women for as much as 44%, and 28% for female smokers. In fact, smoking will not only impact on fertility rates alone .. but also can increase the risk of abnormal pregnancy in the future potential of the fetus.

# 3 - Drink Vitamin
To get pregnant fast, the consumption of foods that containing vitamins and substances needed for fertility is very important for you and your partner also.

Vitamin C, one of them, can improve sperm quality.Vitamin E can increase the fertility of men and women.
And women who take folic acid have a better chance of pregnancy than those who do not consume them. Folic acid also plays an important role in the formation of the brain of the fetus the tube later.

# 4 - Choose the right position on your sex
For couples who have longed for the presence of the fruit, missionary position is the most recommended. doing this position allows the penetration is deeper and easily, so the uterus can store sperm for a longer time. You should avoid a position woman on top, because it reduces the chance of the uterus to keep sperm.

# 5 - Your Body Weight Control
Normal weight or balance is subtancial thing to increase the chance of pregnancy. we find most of the couples who have problems with their weight will generally also have problems with her pregnancy. Excess weight will influence the level of fertility is not good for you. Try to achieve an ideal body weight first.


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