How to Calculate Age Pregnancy

Knowledge of Pregnancy Count still many poorly understood by pregnant women. And this is important to know the gestational age being undertaken. By knowing the age of pregnancy, a pregnant woman can know the progress or growth of an organ of what was happening to her fetus, the needs of what is required by the fetus and what can and can not be done during the pregnancy. In addition, by knowing the age of pregnancy, a pregnant woman can tell when the examination schedule should be done both to the doctor and the midwife, and thus expected kehamilanyang being undertaken into the heart healthy and produce quality fruit.

So far, mostly to be able to calculate the gestational age of the experts still rely on either a doctor or midwife, indeed this is recommended for a proper calculation of gestational age. In addition, it is usually done by calculating the gestational age using the usg, which has a higher degree of accuracy by measuring the size of the skull, the length of the fetus, the size of the heart, kidneys and so on. However, there is no harm in pregnant women know how to calculate the gestational age can be done alone. There are several ways to do pregnant women to calculate the age of pregnancy who have a good degree of accuracy, by including the:

First Day of Last Menstrual (HPHT)

To be able to calculate your pregnancy based on LMP only be done by pregnant women who have normal and regular menstrual cycles (28-30 days). For the estimated gestational age by LMP can use the formula Neagele, besides being able to calculate the gestational age, this formula can also be used to calculate the approximate day of birth (HPL). The use of this formula is to add seven on the first date of last menstrual period, then reduced by three months and add one at tahunnnya, while for the moon that can not be reduced by three, for example, in January, February and March, the month plus 9, but the year still not increased or decreased.

If your LMP was 16 nov 2008, then:
16 -11 - 08
+ - +
7 3 1
23 - 8 - 09 (this date HPL)

So the estimated time of your birth is dated Aug. 23, 2009, while the count for each gestational age 23 to live, so when the date 23 december, mean gestational age you step on the moon, 23 January gestational age 2 months ... and so on.
Estimates for the day plus a grace period Birth should be plus or minus 7 days.

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