How to Ensure The occurrence of pregnancy

After observing the alleged signs of pregnancy immediately confirm whether you really pregnant or not. There are several ways that can be used to confirm a pregnancy through tests.

Urine tests
To perform this test there are some things you need to consider, namely the testing process itself, and read the results of this test form.Tes HCG pregnancy test by testing the presence of HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin). HCG is a hormone produced by the placenta once the embryo attaches to the uterine wall. Hormone partially excreted in the urine of pregnant women. This tool is now being sold freely in the market with different brands and even testing you can do yourself.

The first is how to accommodate little urine is released when you first wake up in the morning, in a container that you have prepared. Test tool is shaped sort of stick dipped in urine that has been housed for 5-10 seconds. Before doing any testing you may need to resist the urge to urinate this gracious moment, so concentrated urine issued and contains a lot of hCG.

The second note also the time of testing, ie 7 days after ovulation. Less than that the result will be unsatisfactory. HCG production is a reaction to the fetus will be embedded (blastocysts) in the uterine wall, it means that blastocyst implantation in the uterine wall occurs before HCG is produced. Blastocysts implanted in the uterine wall from about 6-12 days after ovulation, the most is on day 10. So the time is right to ensure the pregnancy is around day 7 after ovulation. This condition does not always occur in all women. There are women who are actually pregnant, but showed a negative test result. One reason is because he has a long menstrual cycles.

The third is reading the test results. For that you can look directly at the test device test equipment such as this usually has two windows, one for control and another for the results. Window control function tells you whether the tests carried out is correct or not. While the results window indicates whether you are positive or negative non-pregnant women.

All assays are performed in the home should be read as a direct use. After that the tool must be immediately removed to avoid confusion due to change in a positive or negative sign due to time.

Blood Test

Same with urine, blood tests are also its function is to see where the ingredients are just different HCG. Blood of a pregnant woman who allegedly up to the test in the laboratory with a specific method. In fact almost the same level of accuracy.

The ultrasonograpgy test

Sometimes even after doing a urine test at home there are couples who are still not convinced of the occurrence of pregnancy due to certain reasons. For they can test by using ultrasonography (USG), which is usually in a hospital or clinic-Klink maternity or doctor's office. It would be more convincing if it's a pregnancy because you can see the picture of the embryo through an ultrasound device screen.


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