Many things that need to be prepared along with the many changes that occur, and certainly one of them is a change in your body along with the enlargement of your stomach. With these changes, many things have to be adjusted, ranging from diet, lifestyle, and that is not less important is the pattern of your maternity clothes. Required special tips in choosing maternity clothes, that can support your pregnancy, but also can make your day a pleasant stay. Here are some tips that you can do in terms of selection of maternity clothes.
Pregnant Women's Clothing
Prioritizing convenience in choosing maternity clothes. Adjust to your personal tastes. If you do not feel comfortable wearing a long dress at the time before pregnancy, no need to force yourself to buy a dress like that only with the assumption that all women wear.
During pregnancy your metabolism is higher than usual, you will feel hot and sweat a lot, therefore choose maternity clothes from natural ingredients, cold Select materials such as cotton is more comfortable to wear than synthetic materials, woven materials and loose clothing will make you feel cool your body will feel warmer. Now has many interesting models of maternity clothing.
Buy maternity clothes that feel comfortable when worn and has quality materials. Remember, a collection of maternity clothes you will not sevariatif regular clothes, so you'll often wear. To that end, it does not matter to shell out more for a shirt, rather than the end you have to buy some clothes because previously felt less comfortable.
When clever sewing, you can create your own. Now also has a lot of pants sold lace, kimono dress, dress with no waist and cape, is it not the kind of maternity clothes, but it was ideal to wear during and after pregnancy. If you plan to breastfeed your own, look for clothing that is easy to be opened and washed.
At the end of pregnancy, the waistband on a skirt and pants disturbing. Maybe it's better you choose to use a jumpsuit.
Pregnant Women Shoes
Ligaments, connective tissue of joints, your feet softened and stretched in pregnancy, as well as other body parts, so you should look for shoes that fit. Prolonged standing will also make your legs tense, so try to sit down whenever you have time. Pregnancy can make you become less good balance and body will tend to bend forward. Use low-heeled shoes or without a heel, and avoid pointy heels, because easy to fall. At the end of pregnancy wear shoes a half size larger numbers, especially when your feet swell.Stockings and Tight
Do not use elastic elastic stockings, which can interfere with blood flow in the legs and causes varicose veins. Using stockings or leggings before leaving the bed can help prevent varicose veins. Wear open guest unit or leggings if you suffer from vaginal infections. Always buy conceive leggings one number larger than usual, because of the same size can make you miserable.
Special underwear for pregnant women was not really needed. You simply buy some pants to wear and comfortable material with a larger size. Cotton would be better for all the clothes in, especially if you sweat a lot, but it also can prevent the onset of vaginal infections.Selection of Bra
At the end of pregnancy you need a bra two larger numbers than usual, otherwise it will enlarge About a chest circumference of 8 to 10 cm. Pakaialah good in your body, do not buy without trying it first. A bra should help hold the breast without pressing the nipple, and the strap should be wide enough so as not to hurt your shoulder.
Elastic bra straps should not be used because it is less able to resist properly. Breast contains no muscle tissue, so that when loosened during pregnancy, will not be able to return to normal. A good bra can also prevent wrinkles stretch marks. Of pregnancy, when your breasts are enlarged and heavy, it could not hurt to wear a bra while sleeping. There is also a specially designed bra for breastfeeding mothers may be imposed during pregnancy and after childbirth. The front can dibukan to breastfeed, while the rear can be adjusted according to your bust. Preferably, when the bra is not menysusui can avoid dibukan entire breast, nipple and not just the network disektiarnya, becomes active when feeding, and bra in front of the lid, can resist the flow of milk.
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