Natural methods to cure infertility

To fight alongside the classic treatments of infertility, there are therapies and natural methods that work and can regulate the hormonal balance of women and help you prepare your body for this important moment.

1. Reiki

Reiki is a natural method of healing is to channel the energy through your hands. This technique has the people as a whole and harmonize all levels of the individual.

It is recommended that this treatment is used to complement traditional medical treatment. It acts as a curative and preventive care has the ability, energy balance, releasing emotions, increase creativity and improve life energy.

Thus, the use of this technique it is possible that the energy that circulates throughout the body in a positive energy, so that the person, feel healthier and happier. If the opposite is the case, this energy circulates in a balanced, appear illness, mental anxiety, and unhappiness.

2. Flower Therapy

Flower Therapy aims to balance body and mind produced by the use of natural oils from herbs, flowers, shrubs and trees from around the world. This therapy treats all types of diseases and ailments holistically.
Flower Therapy to deal with stress usually with essential oils of lavender or orange blossom, and it helps the central nervous system, stress and strain can produce a feeling of well being.
In private, it is advisable to use essential oils of ylang ylang, rose and jasmine. stimulate sexual desire by an atmosphere of intimacy and warmth.

Flower Therapy allows any person to produce innate healing processes in response to a variety of flavors.

3. Yoga

Yoga is the technique of choice for relaxation and recreation away. The practice of this discipline allows a person to focus and control the movements and breathing. Thus, voltages are obtained by equalizing the voltages and the operation of the body.

On the other hand, the benefits of yoga, there are certain positions that are to improve the functioning of the reproductive organs and directed to strengthen the pelvic region. It is advisable not to sessions of yoga asana practice, agitated or demanding. It is ideal for relaxed posture, that the energy balance.

The combination of yoga and massage with a balanced diet, we can say that this is a very effective holistic medicine to treat infertility and the emotional effect that often causes in people who are supposed to have.

Stress and Infertility

The inability to achieve pregnancy can significantly increase the degree of stress in a woman. The stress factor decreases the probability of success of any treatment of infertility. Thus, by the use of holistic medicine, a goal that the female body is rid of stress and tension and to eliminate negative thoughts.

Holistic medicine with good nutrition, exercise, hands-on activities such as yoga, breathing techniques and massage combines calm, can the woman's body that you can deal with fertility treatment optimism.

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