One of the best ways to maximize and accelerate the possibility of pregnancy is keeping diet and monitor the coverage of nutrients contained in food intake is consumed daily. Optimal nutrition and nutrients needed to support the candidate of conception and fetal development.

But remember that's not all the nutrients that exist in every type of food would be needed by the fetus. We need to know this well, so couples who want a pregnancy can sort and select the type of food will be consumed.

Types of nutrients needed to support the conception include:


It is one of the essential nutrients that are valid and can not be negotiable. Given these nutrients is a supporter and regulator of reproductive hormones / fertility. Found in green vegetables, beans, sprouts (bean sprouts), and whole grains (cereals, rice, wheat / bread).

Important: you should consume is still fresh or preserved (frozen / canned).

Folic Acid 

These nutrients are needed to prevent the development of tube abnormalities and fetal brain going. Folic acid contained in green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, broccoli, asparagus, peas, beans, peas, orange juice), or available in a ready-made tablet (available in pharmacies nearby). Folic acid is recommended for daily consumption during pregnancy and prepare for the first few months after the pregnancy.

Important : The consumption of folic acid should also be done with a daily dose of the candidate's father / husband.


Including the essential elements for enhancing fertility, especially for the expectant father. In addition, vitamin C also have a role in the immune system, supporting factors are needed if pregnancy occurs. Plural found in fruits, like oranges, mangoes and other fruits.


Expectant mothers who are anemic, including in cases of difficult pregnancy. Therefore iron as enhancer elements, including red blood cell count is an important element needed.Found in liver, red meat (beef, goat, lamb), chicken, beans and green vegetables (spinach).

ZINC (Zn) 

This substance works to increase the quality and quantity of sperm. Commonly found in shellfish, egg yolks, red meat, grains, nuts.

Water therapy is one that is now being encouraged to improve fertility, potentially increasing the production of fertility hormones, testosterone and estrogen. It is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. 

Conversely, there are some foods that should not be consumed by pregnant mothers, among them : 

# Foods containing mercuryHandicapped children and potentially cause autism. It should be noted because it can present in several species of fish, especially large shark, mackerel, marlin fishing.
Processed foodsJunk food, processed cheese / soft cheese. The lack of nutrients that are useful for potential fetal

 # Canned food, sardines
Caffeinated beverages (coffee, etc.) it can make decrease the sperm production
Cigarettes and alcohol, it Potentially damaging the quality of sperm, so sperm can not function properly. Effect on the ability to reach the egg.

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan... on 3 Januari 2015 pukul 15.06

My partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before a friend told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, i contacted him at this email; , for him to help me then i told him our problem, he told me that i will either conceive in June 2013 or July 2013,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I'm glad i came to Dr fiorkpor, Because he predictions put us at ease, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. after few weeks the doctor confirm that i am pregnant thank you DR Fiokpor for helping us, he can cast any spell you need, either to cure any sickness, Divorce, Ex back, good job and so onnn

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